Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an admissions/application process to enroll in the School?

No. All are welcome to join our Bible College.

Is financial aid available?

There is no financial aid available at this time.

Do I receive a certificate for each course?

Once a course is purchased, all of the quizzes are taken and the final exam is completed with a passing grade, you will receive a printable certificate specific to the course that you completed.

What is the length of each course?

Each course varies in length.

When can I start the course?

As soon as the course is purchased you can immediately begin taking your course!

Do I have to complete one course before purchasing another?

You do not have to complete a course before purchasing another.

Do I have to complete the course in a certain time period?

Each course is designed to be taken at your own pace. This is one of the unique qualities of our Bible College.

Is there an age requirement to take the course?

There are no age requirements to take the courses.

Can I take the courses without a computer?

Because all of our classes are online, you will need access to a computer (or laptop, tablet, etc.) to watch the videos, read the notes and take the quizzes and final exam.

Will you be offering additional courses?

Yes, we will continually offer new courses on a wide range of subjects.

Is Way of Righteousness Kingdom Bible College accredited?

We are currently not accredited, but are actively pursuing accreditation.